Friday, 29 June 2012

Emas di makan anai-anai!

Undergrad’s life savings of RM106,000 lost to termites A TAIWANESE undergraduate who kept her entire savings in a safe at home because she did not trust banks found her NT$1mil (RM106,600) in notes eaten by termites, reported Nanyang Siang Pau.

 The woman, who only wished to be known as Chen, said she had saved the money since young for her studies overseas. “It was money from my ang pow, pocket money and earnings from doing part-time jobs. I always opened the safe and counted the money,” she said.

However, Chen said when she opened the safe last month, she found only pieces of the banknotes in it.

“They were all eaten by termites,” she said. She sought help from an expert in the police force, who helped her tape the pieces of banknotes together.

 However, Chen only managed to recover 2% of her savings, about NT$20,000 (RM2,132).

 Lebih baiklah simpan emas dari simpan duit kertas sebab kertas asalnya dari pulpa dan pulpa pula asalnya dari kayu yang mudah terbakar juga disukai oleh anai-anai. Emas jika termusnah sekalipun, masih lagi mengekalkan nilainya walaupun apa bentuknya sekalipun!

Lagipun emas tidak dimakan oleh sianai-anai....